I was sent a review product last year that I am excited to finally share with you today. I was sent the TickleMe Plant™ Party Favor last Augsut. About half the seeds visibly started to germinate in water and after growing for a while, they slowly died off. 🙁
We had one lone survivor that unfortunately the kids knocked over and I was never able to revive in October. Cold temps had been setting and the plants had been on our floor to enjoy the in floor heat.
The gentlemen behind TickleMe Plant™, Mark and Larry, wanted to guarantee my success so they sent two additional packets of seeds later in October.
Now I am going to backtrack a bit to explain the pictures. Here is the party favor kit we were sent in August.
We placed the soil pellet in the enclosed pot and then used a fork to fluff the soil. A small amount of water added to soften the pellet.
The seeds were placed in water that had been boiled and cooled. They stayed in the water for a couple of days and were then planted in the provided soil and pot.
Unfortunately, their health deteriorated as time went on.
I was sent two seed packets to try again. Each seed packet has approximately 10-12 seeds. Here are the seeds after being in the water a few days.
My daughters and I approached growing the seeds a little differently this time around. We had more seeds so I purchased seed starting potting mix and a plant tray with a plastic lid to try and help hold in moisture since Mimosa pudica, the TickleMe Plant™ or “sensitive plant” as it is sometimes called, is a tropical plant.
It’s not pictured, but I also purchased an artificial light. Minnesota in Oct./Nov. – January can be iffy on sunlight. These little guys are happiest in 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here the plants started to emerge.
Slowly they put on more green growth.
Here they are before I transplanted them. We have finally had more sunny days.
Here is a video featuring some of the plants last week. I have given a few away to teachers and have more to share in the coming weeks. 🙂 They may have grown more quickly with warmer temperatures and more sunshine.
My children have enjoyed “petting” the plants and watching how they respond. The leaves close voluntarily at night and re-open with the sunrise.
The packet states that down the road they can grow thorns as adult plants that can be removed with a nail trimmer and are to develop puffy pink flowers.
Features of the TickleMe Plant™
– grows indoors in all seasons, even in the winter
– acts more like a pet that can move, rather than a typical house plant
– makes a great gift and party favor
– our kits come with educational activities developed by teachers
– it produces puffy pink flowers
You can see a video of the TickleMe Plant in action at www.TickleMePlant.com. There is a variety of kit sizes available. They retail from $5.50 for a single pack of seeds to $87.95 for a complete classroom kit for 30-60 students.
Disclosure: I received TickleMe Plant products for this review. No other compensation was received. The thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.