The Unofficial Hogwarts Cookbook for Kids: 50 Magically Simple, Spellbinding Recipes for Young Witches and Wizards
by Alana Al-Hatlani
Ulysses Press
ISBN: 978-1646041817
$17.95; 7 1/2 x 9 1/4; 128 pages
Harry Potter has stood the test of time with continuing to be an iconic character over the last few decades. With my kids getting older, they now all enjoy watching the movies and have read some of the books. If you are a Harry Potter fan, wouldn’t it be fun to create some Potter inspired treats in your home kitchen? The Unofficial Hogwarts Cookbook for Kids: 50 Magically Simple, Spellbinding Recipes for Young Witches and Wizards came out the end of August with a great selection of recipes that allow you to practice whipping up some creative dishes at home.
This cookbook has beautiful color photographs for each recipe included. The recipes come together in a great format for aspiring young chefs. Shepherd’s Pie, Bubble and Squeak, Fish and Chips, Cauldron Cakes, Fizzy Whizbees, Butterscotch “Beer”, Knickerbocker Glory, Acid Lollipops, and much more. Any Harry Potter fan would love owning a copy of this cookbook.
About the Author
Alana Al-Hatlani is a baker by morning and food writer by night. Her writing has appeared in Saveur, Eater, Seattle Times, Seattle Weekly, and the Independent. She is a cake-stand collector, a very competitive bowler, and Great British Bake-Off zealot. She started baking as soon as she could reach the counter with a step stool and hasn’t left the kitchen since. Alana holds a BA in journalism from New York University and a pastry degree from the Seattle Culinary Academy. To see more of her baking or writing, visit www.alanaalhatlani.com.