Title: The Green Beauty Rules: The Essential Guide to Toxic-Free, Green Glamour, and Glowing Skin
Author: Paige Padgett
ISBN: 978-0-7573-1870-2 $21.95
Published: September 2015
Paige Padgett is a makeup artist to the stars and shares her personal story of how she took on her primary client, Jillian Michaels. Paige has been a makeup artist for 10 years and this is her first book.
The Green Beauty Rules: The Essential Guide to Toxic-Free Beauty, Green Glamour and Glowing Skin has a lot of information on toxins and chemicals that are openly and sometimes corruptly placed in our beauty products. Paige provides a large list of products better for you and your family that range from budget friendly to high-end that rank 3 or lower on the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Database. Some step-by-step guides are provided near the tail end of the book with color photos. Since I don’t wear much for make-up often and could always use pointers, I found the guides quite valuable.
Paige shares a scary tidbit that she heard from Ken Cook’s ‘Ten Americans’ lecture that had a tremendous impact on her and her career.
“An average of 287 chemicals are found in our bodies. Some of these chemicals were banned 30 years ago. Shockingly enough, some of these chemicals compound in our bodies and are passed down through our parents.”
After attending the lecture, Paige made her shift to green.
It’s a big change going green so Paige stresses taking things slowly and how you might be able to multi-purpose some of your beauty products to make them more economical. I have started de-stashing my make-up bag and added a few things from Amazon to my shopping cart since reading The Green Beauty Rules. I hope to make a difference for myself and to be better educated when the time comes that my daughters are old enough to wear makeup.
Highlights from the book include:
• Debunking the five biggest green beauty myths (Chapter 1 Green Beauty Pioneer)
• Three eco-attitudes and how to flow between them (Chapter 1)
• Paige’s 80/20 beauty diet (Chapter 2 Beauty from the “Outside In”)
• Sample Green Beauty Routine (Chapter 9 Green Beauty Looks)
• The difference between natural, organic, and chemically safe (Chapter 3 Organic, Natural and Naturally Derived)
• How to effectively use the Environmental Working Group Skin Deep Database (Chapter 5 Transition to Clean)
• The 60-Second Save – How to quickly identify chemically safe products (Chapter 6 Shop like a Pro)
• Tools for identifying greenwashing, reading labels and decoding packaging seals and stamps (Chapter 3)
• The three P’s to avoid—perfume, parabens, petrochemicals (Chapter 4 The Nasties)
• Paige’s Top Ten daily use products (Chapter 5)
• A step-by-step guide to greening your beauty routine (Chapter 5)
• A list of the top estrogenic chemicals to watch out for in products (Chapter 4)
About the Author:
Paige Padgett, a leading authority on green beauty, has never been afraid to go against the grain. An irreverent free spirit, she follows her instincts and her heart. At the mere age of 12 she announced to her family that she was no longer eating red meat. Ironically, her half-Native American grandfather was a cattle rancher. It was no surprise then, that when beauty experts said she couldn’t provide safe and eco-friendly makeup artistry and still create beautiful faces, she set out to prove them wrong — and did.
Now considered a leading authority on green beauty, Paige is the Green Beauty Expert for Dasani ECOmmunity Facebook Page, DailyGlow.com, Jillian Michaels Wellness Team, and founded Paigepadgett.com, a green beauty website. In addition, she is often sought out by the press and has been featured in Shape, Elle, GenLux, Tresdope.com, Beautyblitz.com, The Los Angeles Times, Vegetarian Times, Natural Health and Whole Life Times Magazine. Her television, radio, podcasts and live appearances include “Martha Stewart Radio,” “San Diego Live,” “The Jillian Michaels Radio Show,” “Green Is Good,” “The Healthy Voyager” and “The Jillian Michaels Wellness Cruise.”
Available wherever books are sold or to order directly from the publisher, contact:www.hcibooks.com or (800) 441-5569
Disclosure: I received a copy of The Green Beauty Rules to review. No other compensation was received for this post.