Title: The Better Mom: Growing in Grace Between Perfection and the Mess
Author: Ruth Schwenk
ISBN: 978-0-310-34945-7
Ruth is a blogger at TheBetterMom.com and The Better Mom has been her project over the last seven years. As a mom, be it new or seasoned, life can be exhausting and certainly trying at times. This book speaks of how through the mess and chaos, Jesus wants us to embrace the mess and have a worthy life through it all. God is helping shape us to be the parent he wants us to become as well as shaping us through our children.
This book is beautifully written and I hope it will inspire you as it did me. I needed the affirmation that even though the house can be a mess and I worry about having enough time to do everything else, things will be okay.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes in the book “…Real life, lasting impact, and true greatness are found in forgiving, loving the unlovable, walking in humility, doing small things nobody sees, having a willingness to sacrifice, and give instead of always looking to receive.” –The Better Mom, Ruth Schwenk
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. No other compensation was received for this post.