Title: Texas Farm Girl: Reap What You Sow
Author: Rebecca Crownover
Illustration by Brian Daigle
ISBN: 978-1-62086-263-6
by Rebecca Crownover
Texas Farm Girl has been asked to take on a new responsibility from PawPaw (her grandfather), to plant a corn field. It took Texas Farm Girl four days to plant the field and it alarmed PawPaw that some corn seed was left after planting the field. The corn started to come up and some rows had nothing emerging. Texas Farm Girl didn’t keep a close enough eye on the planter boxes that ran out of seed before re-filling them.
Not following directions has caused a costly mistake for the farm. Texas Farm Girl and her grandfather work all night to work up the unplanted rows and to plant new corn seed. Texas Farm Girl takes responsibility for her mistakes and doesn’t give up so she can Shine Like a Lone Star Pearl. She discovers how our actions affect ourselves and others.
This title is recommended for children ages 5+. It is the second book in the series, Texas Farm Girl. To go along with the books, a country music song and video tells the story of a Texas Farm Girl and engages kids in the brand and farm was released last year. It is performed by Billy Dawson and is on YouTube.
I think it is important for children to understand the hard work that goes into bringing food to the table and this book shares some important aspects of large scale farming. I kept reading through and thought the book would eventually give Texas Farm Girl a name, but she stayed with just that title. You don’t have to be just from Texas to enjoy Texas Farm Girl: Reap What You Sow.
Watch the trailer for the book here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
For more info visit: https://www.texasfarmgirl.com/
About the Author:
Working with her grandfather not only taught Rebecca about the hard work behind farming but about overcoming obstacles in life. Tragedy struck her family in 2009 when her husband, a native Texan and farmer, passed away in an ATV accident. His passing inspired Rebecca’s award-winning children’s book, My Daddy Is In Heaven With Jesus.
Rebecca remains a business partner at Lone Star Family Farms with her in-laws to carry on her husband’s legacy and to continue her contribution to the farming business, an industry that has always been an important part of her life.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. No other compensation was received for this post.