Title: Sword Study: A Family-Centerd Bible Study on II Timothy for Each Age Level
Author: Tammy McMahan
Disclosure: I was sent The Sword Study (Levels 1-5) by Glass Road Media in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was received.
Sword Study is a series from the Shelby Kennedy Foundation. The materials are recommended for ages 4-10 and there are five levels that cover the same book of the Bible. I don’t know if you can see it well in the first image, but there are people at the lower left corner who are of different ages and the level is also printed on the spine except for level 1.

Level 1 is recommended for ages 4-7. It is set up as an activity book. There is coloring, drawing, matching, and other activities.
Level 2 is recommended for ages 7-10. It contains light reading, fill-in-the-blanks, and applications sections.
Level 3 is recommended for ages 11-14. It involves more investigation and questions for the student to answer.
Level 4 (Single or Senior) is recommended for teens and adults. The reading is stepped up and the depth of study includes the definition of several Greek or Hebrew terms.
Level 5 (Families) is recommended for the parent or study leader with the guidance and background to lead a group of all ages.

Since my oldest two are in level 1, I will focus on this level. It’s sweet that this book suggests having you snuggle up beside your child and help take them through the three basic parts of the included daily lessons. Level 1 has a simple prayer to help your child talk to God. I’ve had a hard time explaining this to my kids and this title has helped tremendously. Then there is a hands-on activity that reflects the daily lesson and a heart at the bottom of each page that directs you to a simple statement that may be memorized, like “It is good for me to be patient.”
I am always looking for ways to engage my kids when we are at home and want the learning to be fun. It is nice to have an age appropriate way to help explain the stories of the Bible and the activities take about 20 minutes a day. It is recommended that parents read and study level 4 for personal growth and to help your child learn.
Currently the Sword Study series is available to the public in II Timothy and I John. I Peter is scheduled to be released this fall and plans are in way to release a new study each year.
For more information, please visit www.swordstudy.org. To view samples from each level, please visit this page of the website.