Every year a few items in our home unfortunately end up in the garbage can due to unrepairable breaks or cracks. Sugru is a product that may give these objects a second chance.
Sugru is a self-setting rubber. It feels like play-dough, but works like a flexible, moldable glue. It is waterproof and cures by being exposed to air.
Sugru sticks permanently to items like glass, ceramics, wood, metal, and most plastics and fabrics. It is NOT to be used for hanging heavy objects.
After you open the foil packet, roll Sugru in your hands. Mold it on something and you will have 30 minutes to build, fix, seal, and stick things together. If you have some left on your hands, just wipe it away with a dry tissue.
Then it is recommended to wait 24 hours (if 3mm thick, longer if thicker) and Sugru becomes a flexible and durable silicone rubber that will stay stuck unless you decide to remove it. It can be removed from non-porous surfaces by simply being cut off after it has cured. You can clean the suface after removal with a dry tissue. Sugru may leave a mark after removal on some surfaces.
Before and after of a plastic toy horse.
Sugru is able to withstand temps that range from 356°F to -58°F. It is dishwasher proof and saltwater proof. I have featured just the fixing ability of Sugru, but the video below shows many more of its applications. An 8-pack of Sugru retails for approximately $22.
Sugru started as an online brand, but is now used by people in over 160 countries and is stocked at Lowe’s, Target and Homedepot.com. It is available currently in 10 different colors. This product stays fresh for 13 months from the date it was made (printed on foil packet) and you can triple the number of months it is good by storing it in the fridge.
Disclosure: I received samples of Sugru for this post. No other compensation was received.