Title: Prayer Works: Prayer Training and Strategy for Kids
ISBN: 9781433688690
Page Count: 128
Binding: Hardcover
Publication Date: September 2015
The authors, Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick provide a way for kids to figure out how prayer works while combining it with fun activities, illustrations, and writing that prompts thinking. This title is the companion book to the movie War Room. The authors are the screenwriters to the movie.
Children can write their own prayers at the end of the book and can also share them on the walls in their prayer room, like characters from the movie.
Topics include:
What is prayer?
Why should I pray?
Where do I pray?
Is there a wrong way to pray?
What should I pray for?
Does God really hear me?
Disclosure: I received a copy of the book for this post. No other compensation was received.