Parmesan cheese is a staple in our home. It was nice to mix it up and try a vegan parmesan called Parma! by Sister River Foods, Inc. This product is free of additives, preservatives, gluten, GMOs, soy, and dairy. It is Kosher certified and has that fifth sense of taste, umami, which is savory.
Usually, I just put parmesan on my salad or pasta, but other suggestions are Parma! with popcorn, roasted veggies, soups, or on avocado toast.
What is in Parma!?
Nutritional yeast, Himalayan crystal salt, organic sunflower seeds, organic hemp seeds, and raw walnuts. With having the hemp seeds and raw walnuts, Parma! gives you a nice boost of omega 3’s and omegas 6’s.
I live in rural Minnesota and have not ran across flavors of parmesan made from dairy. Maybe this is an option in urban areas, but I found Parma! was also unique by coming in four different flavors – Chipotle Cayenne, Garlicky Green, Better Than Bacon, and Original. My favorite is Parma! in Better Than Bacon, which has a hickory smoke flavor. I like it with roasted veggies or baked potatoes.
Parma! can be found at Wegmans, Mom’s, PCC Markets, Safeway PNW, Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, Nutters, many coops, and health food stores across the USA and Canada. To find out where you can purchase in your area, visit http://www.EatParma.com and type in your zip code in the finder.