To be honest, it has been quite a while since I have looked for shoes in colors other than the typical black or brown. I remember needing teal shoes for my high school prom dress a long time ago and needing to pay what seemed an arm and a leg at the time for shoes that had a fabric finish and then buying a dye to change the color or paying for a customized dye job. I think they were called Dyeables.
Actress Kristina Anapau (True Blood, Black Swan, Anger Management, etc.) has created Color It New™. This DIY coloring system is to allow transformation of your shoes, bags, belts, and more.
The Color It New™ kit comes with two cleaning towelettes, a pair of disposable gloves, mini roll of masking tape, 2′ x 3′ plastic sheet (tarp), bottle of coloring spray, and a step-by-step instruction guide.
There is a wide assortment of colors available with Color It New™. I selected Nude for this review and so I was sent The Exhibitionist Kit to try to re-purpose a pair of silver shoes I had.