Title: The Magnesium Miracle
Author: Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.
ISBN: 978-0-345-49458-0
You might have caught me mentioning the benefits of magnesium earlier with a product called Natural Calm. I got to dive more into this important element needed for overall good health with reading The Magnesium Miracle.
Oh my goodness! I had no idea how extremely important this mineral is to feeling good and optimizing our health. With a number of processed foods many consume daily and with years of farming plus soil erosion, it’s hard to get enough magnesium. Even hydroponics may decrease the amount of magnesium we get since plants are grown in water and not in the soil to take up this nutrient.
Magnesium is a tricky one to evaluate in the lab to confirm we are deficient. Only 1% is found in the blood and most of it is in the bone and soft tissue. It’s good to watch for symptoms of magnesium deficiency and talk them over with your physician – muscle cramps, anxiety, problems sleeping, constipation, migraines, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart palpitations, buzzing/ringing in the ears, diabetes, heart disease, kidney stones, depression, and more.
Magnesium is very safe to supplement with orally. Dark drinks, like coffee and dark soda, can deplete us of magnesium and also just daily stressors.
As women age, supplementing with calcium may be recommended for bone health. I did not realize that if you supplement with calcium, you need magnesium with it. Calcium makes muscles contract and magnesium relaxes muscles. Calcium helps with clotting, but magnesium helps blood freely flowing and prevents abnormal thickening. Magnesium also helps convert vitamin D so it can then help with the absorption of calcium. It’s a chain reaction on the cellular level.
I found this book very valuable and I hope you will too. The Magnesium Miracle may hold the answers to making you feel better and possibly a safe way to help alleviate current health symptoms.
Check out The Magnesium Miracle on Amazon.
Nutritional Magnesium Association on Twitter
Nutritional Magnesium Association Website
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. No other compensation was received for this post.