Title: Living Life as a Thank You: The Transformative Power of Daily Gratitude
Authors: Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons
ISBN: 978-1-57344-368-5
Published by Viva Editions
Suggested Retail: $15.95
Life can certainly present us with some curve balls. Surely they can often be unpleasant, but I think without them we wouldn’t be able to personally grow. Living Life as a Thank You is to help us turn moments of fear, anger, and sometimes isolation into courage, forgiveness, and belonging.
This book is divided into 10 chapters and is set up as a comprehensive program to incorporate gratitude in your daily life and how you may receive many benefits that come with this outlook on life. Each chapter also features stories of individuals who have conquered difficult times in their life by embracing gratitude. Quotes and blessings are included for inspiration too.
I think we often are so busy trying to succeed in life that we get wrapped up in everything and forget the importance of providing a simple thank you. Living Life as a Thank You is 250 pages so I found it great to read in chapters to process and apply the concepts from this book. This title would be great for gift giving or light reading with an important inspirational message of appreciating what you have in life and how you can improve the life of those around you with gratitude.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. No other compensation was received for the review. The thoughts or feelings expressed are my own.