Title: Lemons and Lavender: The Eco Guide to Better Homekeeping
Author: Billee Sharp
Published by Viva Editions
ISBN: 978-1-936740-10-9
Suggested Retail: $15.95
Disclosure: I received a copy of Lemons and Lavender to review. No other compensation was received. The thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.
Billee Sharp moved to San Francisco from England and sought to enjoy a “good life” or life that was simple and enjoyable. She created this title to help empower people by creating and attaining the life truly sought.
Lemons and Lavender discusses
- Revolutionary Budgeting: Taking Control of Your Resources – the importance of and how to set up a budget and saving
- Health is Wealth – buying whole and organic foods, recipes for homemade scrubs and baths to detox the body’s largest organ – the skin, kitchen cabinet cures, essential oils
- Through the Looking Glass: Seeing Stuff Differently – using sites like Freecycle, bartering, couch surfing, sites for free entertainment, how-to techniques to make your own crafts and art
- Homely Habits – recipes to create cleaners from common household products, even how to make homemade interior paint and energy-saving tips
- Grow It: Get On My Land – basic gardening equipment, composting, growing herbs and vegetables
- Eat, Drink, and Be Merry – how to prepare your own sourdough starter, yogurt, fermented foods, small interpretation on making jam and canning, recipes for soups and salads, rice, and beans, and quite a few other recipes for main dishes, cookies, and cakes, and others
- Homemade Holidays – recipes that go with holidays, simple party ideas
- Conclusion: Living the Good Life – summary of Lemons and Lavender
I enjoyed the recipes included in Lemons and Lavender. There was a couple of references to Really Really Free Market in the book as a great resource, but when I viewed the website, it looked like it had not been updated in a couple of years. The other sources/sites references still seemed up to date. Billee hopes to help give individuals pride with creating a sense of self-reliance from her book and I think her tips make this goal very attainable.