I was approached by Judy Hanning of Learning Link Technologies a few months ago to review their online program for brain retraining. I am a stay-at-home mom with three young children. My educational background includes a BS in veterinary technology and certificate in medical transcription. I do not have a degree in education, but I am always seeking ways to help my children learn and make education fun and engaging. My oldest started preschool this fall. After reading about this program, I thought it would be a great way to help her work more on developing her learning skills.
About the Program:
The “Building Blocks of Learning Program” was created by Lisa Harp, who is an educator, learning disability specialist, and educational therapist with 20+ years experience. Lisa is also the founder and CEO of Harp Institute (http://www.harpinstitute.com). This program is to be used by school age children, even as young as 3.
The online course for brain retraining by Learning Link was originally designed to help those with learning problems,such as dyscalculia, dyslexia, and dysgraphia, but is an aid to all children. Here is a link to Lisa explaining brain retraining: http://www.learning-aids.com/how-retrain-brain. Children who do not have learning problems can enhance their learning ability and if they are weak in areas, they can be identified and assisted. Lisa kindly puts it as that we all learn differently and that needs to be taken into consideration. Here is more on learning differences: http://www.learning-aids.com/learning-difference.
More details of the program may be viewed at http://www.learning-aids.com/our-program
It was nice to find a learning course that did not entail my child just sitting in front of a computer screen. There are online videos for the parent to learn how to do the simple exercises with the child, but then most exercises are done on paper, some with everyday household items.
This program is broken down into 12 sections. The average completion time is 12-18 months, with each section taking about 4-6 weeks to complete. We recently moved on to section 2. The time variance is for if you hit an area that your child has trouble with. You would then spend more time on that particular exercise until it becomes easy for them.
It is recommended that you spend a total of 3 hours per week on the course. One hour the first day of the week and then 30 minutes per day the following four days. My daughter has the patience for the length of time needed to do the training, but unfortunately I get pulled away/interrupted by her siblings and so that has delayed our time of moving forward somewhat.
After looking at the video on how to teach my child, I selected to print the exercises out for section 1, I think around 50 pages. My daughter thought I was being a little funny at first when I told her to affirm the activity she would be doing back to me, but I think that is a great start in good listening and overall communication. With some of the activities, I did have to take her hand in mine and show her how to do some of the movements at first.
My daughter enjoys working on puzzles so I kind of made it seem like this was a game or new sort of puzzles for her to try. Overall, I think these activities can help anyone benefit by improving skills of memory, fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination and thus, to improve their ability to learn.
Along with the basic section of activities, there are also bonus sections. These sections include great tips to help with reading, dyscalculia, dyslexia, and dysgraphia.
For a DVD to be delivered to your home each month for 12 months is $69/mo or the online program with all materials provided by instant download is $49/mo (http://www.learning-aids.com/solutions).
Or you can win it….a membership to the online course (valued at $600)!!
You can learn more about Learning Link on Facebook or Twitter at the following links:
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Disclosure: I was given online access to the program for free to produce this review. The thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.
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Cool giveaway!
I would love to win this giveaway! My son’s Godmother has a child that was just diagnosed with Dyslexia and I think this would be a great tool for them!
I’d love to try it out!
michelle riebeek
I’d love to win this for my daughter to try
kport207 at gmail dot com
I’d love to give this a try.
So happy to see this! I think my nephew would do well with this!
heatherpooh (hotmail)