Title: Super Fast Food: No Chef Required
Author: Jason Vale
ISBN: 978-0-9547664-7-4
You might already be familiar with Jason Vale from his popularity with fresh juicing. He does attest to liking food too and it has been his mission for 21 years to get people going on good nutrition. 🙂
In this book, Jason shares that balance in your diet is key. He mentions ‘low H.I. eating’. Low H.I. represents low ‘human intervention’ and this is asking yourself how much has a human interfered with this particular drink or food. This would be like an orange simply being picked from the tree and being low H.I. A muffin would have a label on it and often be high H.I. with refined sugars and fats in it.
This book has recipes for the classics that are made healthy, like lasagna, spaghetti Bolognese, and fish ‘n’ chips. Some juicing recipes and some Super food Me! 7-Day Plans are also in the pages of this book.
Jason gives you a 2-page list of staples. I like that he gives you a rundown on many of the ingredients used in the book so you can have your pantry primed. The recipes start off with breakfast ideas. Jason even shares how to make your own almond milk. Then it’s onto recipes for salads and DIY dressings. A chapter is included for vegan and also vegetarian. There is a section of fish recipes and then onto the classics, which are vegetarian. Beautiful color photos are included in Super Fast Food.
A Super fast Food app has been released as a companion to this book. It allows you to design your own plan and go from 1-7 day meal plan.
Disclosure: I received a copy of Super Fast Food to review. No other compensation was received for this post.