Disclosure: I was provided complimentary Fairlife products to try and review along with a swag bag and blender for attending the event.
On March 1st, I went down to Eden Prairie and was honored to work out at Lifetime Fitness with Chris Freytag and you can’t see it well in this image, but with Sue McCloskey, co-founder of Fairlife. My quads were mad at me for two days after, but it was an invigorating experience.
Fairlife was new to me and actually a fairly new company to Minnesota when it comes to their milk. The company was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Chicago. You might be already familiar with another product they make, Core Power.
Fairlife Purely Nutritious Milk™ has 50 percent more protein and calcium. The fats and sugars (lactose) have been separated out. This is real milk with no protein powders added. The only thing different is a new cold filtration process that the milk goes through. They take out more water to provide this rich and creamy taste to their low-fat milk and keep more of the good stuff, the protein and calcium. I thought maybe the cattle had different food rations or something, but nope, the difference is from this uniquely designed cold filtration. Their cattle are grass fed. Fairlife actually has a from grass to glass® promise.
Mike McCloskey, Susan’s spouse and co-founder of Fairlife, was actually a practicing veterinarian. He brought his knowledge of animal husbandry and belief of responsible farming into the company. One thing I learned about this company and the care of their cattle is that they are kept clean and comfortable by using sand for bedding. The sand actually helps keep the amount of bacteria in the environment down too. The cows are allowed to be free-standing in barns, not stuck in stanchions all day. Also, Fairlife’s cattle are not given rBST, an artificial growth hormone.
Fairlife milk comes from a co-op of farmers called Select Milk Producers and they are primarily based out of Indiana (where McCloskey farm is located), Texas, and California. The company practice sustainability with the use of the cow manure. They convert cow manure into energy to provide power to Fair Oaks, Indiana, and energy for their 42 compressed natural gas milk trucks. That’s pretty cool.Fairlife milk is available in 32-ounce and 52-ounce bottles. It has a suggested retail price of $2.99 and $3.99, respectively. Fairlife should soon be soon available in Denver and continue to expand nationwide.
I think Fairlife is on the right track with keeping more protein and calcium in a beverage many of us consume daily. The added calcium and protein is a benefit for both genders and for all ages. I couldn’t wait to tell my father-in-law about Fairlife milk because he has to take protein shakes often now to combat muscle wasting and so the added nutrition would be great for him and many others. If you have had to turn away from milk in the past due to the lactose, Fairlife may be the answer to resume drinking milk.
The taste of Fairlife low-fat milk is much more creamy than I expected. My husband, who grew up on a dairy farm until his father was hurt in a logging accident, often compares skim to water and it was a tough compromise to have our family settle on 1% years ago, but he did enjoy the consistency of Fairlife’s skim milk.
The chocolate milk is tasty too. It is sweetened with sugar and sucralose. Personally, I would prefer it to not have the sucralose, since I try to avoid artificial sweeteners with my family, but it was low on the ingredient list. Otherwise, my kids loved the taste of the chocolate milk.
In honor of Fairlife’s kick-off in the Twin Cities, they have graciously provided a giveaway. One winner will win The Original Magic Bullet ($50 RV)! When I went to the information session, we were offered some great tasting smoothies post work-out to try and you can make your own with Fairlife milk and other nutritious ingredients in your home. Please give Fairlife some ♥ and enter below via Rafflecopter. 🙂
[gview file=”https://centralmnmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/fairlife1.pdf”]
[gview file=”https://centralmnmom.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/fairlife2.pdf”]
Fairlife Purely Nutritious Milk™ is available in skim, 2%, and chocolate, #BelieveInBetter To learn more about Fairlife, please visit their website or connect with them on their social networks:
Fairlife on Facebook
Fairlife on Twitter
Fairlife on Pinterest
Fairlife on Instagram
When my son was a baby, I watched the infomercial for the Magic Bullet so many times during his middle of the night feedings, it made me want one so bad! The Magic Bullet will always remind me of that time with my son 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win one!
Thank you! I was drawn in by the commercials of the Baby Bullet too. Best of luck!