Title: Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen
Author: Howard Binkow
Illustrator: Susan F. Cornelison
ISBN: 978-0-9715390-1-3
Suggested Retail: $15.00
This book is available in hardcover format and is 32 pages
Age: Recommended for age 5 and above
“I used to get into a lot of trouble because I didn’t listen very well. Since I learned how to really listen, I get into much less trouble and have a lot more fun. I want to help as many children as I can to become better listeners.” Howard Binkow
This is the first Howard B. Wigglebottom book that I have had the opportunity to view. There are currently 10 titles available in this series (#10 is available Jan. 2011) with this playful bunny that helps teach youngsters social skills. The 11th title is tentatively to be released the early part of 2012, Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Courage and Overcoming Fears.
Howard B. Wigglebottom is a cute, energetic, little bunny that goes through his day, not listening to anyone, and getting into a heap of trouble. Howard decides one day that he should try very hard to be the best listener he can be. He receives a reward for his efforts from his teacher. The recognition makes him strive even more to be a good listener at school and at home.
I think this is a great book for young children. My daughters enjoyed watching how the events of this little bunny played out through the book and questioned why they happened to Howard – because he wasn’t listening. In the back, there is a section with “Today’s Lesson: How To Be a Better Listener” and you can print the PDF of this as a poster for free at www.wedolisten.com. There are also many potential discussion questions pertaining to listening for parents or teachers to use with children included in the book.
About www.wedolisten.org:
“Our Not Profit Foundation offers free Howard B. Wigglebottom animated books, songs, posters and non-violent games. We are assisting 4-8 year old children to feel good about themselves and learn important lessons about listening, bullying, anger management, moderation, truth, divorce, peer pressure, belonging, generosity, sportsmanship and attention. Please visit http://www.wedolisten.org and click on Animated Books and Lessons/Posters. If you feel our free educator endorsed resources are worthwhile, please let others know about our website so more children can be helped.”
The latest book; Howard B.Wigglebottom Learns About Sportsmanship: Winning Isn’t Everything is now on sale for $6 for US buyers on www.wedolisten.org. It will be in bookstores and Amazon in January. If it’s within your holiday budget, you can also buy all ten Howard B. Wigglebottom hardcover books now in the US for $50. What a deal!”
Howard B. Wigglebottom books may also be purchased on Amazon.com
You can “like” Howard B. Wigglebottom on Facebook or follow @hbwigglebottom on Twitter.
Disclosure: I received Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns to Listen for this review. No monies were exchanged for this review. The thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.
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I really like the book that is about the about telling the truth
I would like Listens to his heart!
megnate at telus dot net
These are great books. I would like to win the HBW Learns to Listen or Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns About Courage and Overcoming Fears.
I would chose the power of giving, a christmas story.
xxkimhcxx at gmail dot com
I like the Listens to his Heart book!