Happy Halloween! Well, we went out with our three little trick-or-treaters tonight, just a few local stops to visit friends and family.
My husband, at the time, didn’t have a knife or any cleaning supplies ready yet to start the process. His BIL was going to drop off the deer and go back to his camper for supplies. On the way back to his vehicle, he noticed the deer’s head move. His BIL questioned him if the deer was still alive. My spouse looked over in awe because it WAS still alive and must have just been stunned by the hit!
The deer ended up getting up and out of the pick-up, running back and forth between my husband and his BIL. I guess it almost went into our trampoline in the yard. It eventually ended up fleeing to safety. So, his BIL retired for the evening after getting a roadkill tag and no venison.