I don’t know if many of you have been like me, but a couple years ago, I decided to stay at home after the birth of our second child and leave my full-time job. I hated the small amount of time I had with our first daughter. I worked at a veterinary clinic that was a day practice, but we saw emergencies so I never knew when exactly I would get home and had an hour long commute each day. I only worked four days a week, but they left little time to be with my daughter after daycare. We weighed my feelings and cost of two in daycare and made sacrifices for me to stay at home.
I began searching for a part-time job with the hope of working from home. I bought in to work from home guides with a fee that left me nothing but frustrated. I even have a medical transcription degree that I had hoped to use as a career from home with yet no avail because most work from home transcription jobs want you to work a few years on the job at a clinic/hospital before telecommuting. This is one important point most training programs leave out when recruiting for this field. Now with three children, I have put the search on hold.
Carla Easley has a great resource for anyone who is in the same situation as me. She has a free 16-page ebook that has 100 companies that offer legitimate work at home opportunities. It can be viewed below or going to E-Hustle Online.
Carla is a full time mom and creator to E-Hustle Online , a work at home resource, dedicated to helping others find legitimate work at home jobs. She is also the founder of Vizionz of Peace, an organization which assists homeless individuals who are seeking employment and obtaining permanent housing.