Title: Experimenting with Babies: 50 Science Projects You Can Perform on Your Kid
Author: Shaun Gallagher
Published October 1, 2013, Paperback
ISBN: 978-0-399-16246-6
Suggested Retail: $16.00
My youngest is turning three in a few weeks so I’m a bit out of the baby loop, but thought it would be interesting to check out and share Experimenting with Babies by Shaun Gallagher. In this book, Shaun shows how you as a parent can recreate landmark scientific studies on cognitive, motor, social, and behavioral development using your own child in a harmless fashion. Some props are needed, but with a baby in the home, they should be easily accessible. The author also provides suggestions on how you can help with development and learning using these principles.
In EXPERIMENTING WITH BABIES, parents will discover how to:
· Test reflexes
· See how speech and gestures are coordinated
· Assess babies’ progress with motor skills
· Work on language skills
· Measure emotional, social, and cognitive development
I read through many of Gallagher’s experiments and thought they would be entertaining and enlightening for a parent with a child under age two, someone who is expecting or is hoping to have kids, or to further an interest in child development. Often times we wonder what babies are thinking. This book may give us a bit of insight and help keep track of their developmental milestones. You can check out a few of the experiments at http://www.experimentingwithbabies.com/experiments/.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation has been received. The thoughts and views expressed are my own.