Title: Everything That Make You Mom: A Bouquet of Memories
Author: Laura Lynn Brown
ISBN: 978-1-4267-6746-3
Subject: Family and Relationships/Parenting/Motherhood
Published by Abingdon Press in 2013, Hardcover
Suggested Retail: $12.99
Review: Everything That Make You Mom is a touching book of a daughter’s memories of her mother who passed away before she was able to share them with her. This book allows you to be interactive too. There is a list of questions to help you recollect memories of your own mother. They can be answered by your child or by both of you together. There are inspiring quotes included throughout the book reflecting on moms and motherhood too.
The Contents included in Everything that Makes You Mom are:
- Introduction
- Mom in the Home
- Mom in the World
- Virtuous Mom
- Playful Mom
- Educational Mom
- Mom: The Final Exam
There are many occasions appropriate to give this book as a gift One idea included in the introduction was as your child is about to become a parent and you a grandmother. This book would be used to write down memories for the next generation. Aah…sweet. This book is beautifully written.
The only con, which I feel odd commenting about is that I can see the lovely stories from the author be hard to relate to by some. The author uses words that aren’t so common anymore in the recollection of her mother, like Mercurochrome, and if you peek in your neighbor’s windows nowadays as a simple pleasure, you might be arrested. They are innocent memories of times from the past. Some young women/men may find it hard to relate to the shared stories, but the questions following fit any mother/daughter or mother/son. The cover looks feminine, but it can be used for a son to reflect on memories shared with his mother too.
Thank you so much for your attention to my little book! Much appreciated.