Today I wanted to share a fun and cute game called Duck Duck Mousse by Yokay Games. This game is for ages 8-80. The number of players needed for gameplay is 3-6. All you need to play comes in this nice and portable little box. It’s a great size for playing at home or away.

Inside the box are the cards for gameplay and a set of instructions. There is a total of 162 cards included. Depending on what variation of rules you play with the game, you might not use all of the cards in the deck. There are 78 duck cards, 30 mousse cards, and 54 stylish animal cards (9 sets of 6) The illustrations in this game are very cute. The artwork is co-created by Paul John Rudoi and Dall-e, OpenAI’s Artificial Intelligence online text-to-image platform.

There are three variations or rules to this game. With the ‘Normal Rules’ to Duck Duck Mousse, you want to be the first player to slap the pile while saying “mousse” so you can keep the card and mousse one of your five ducks. The first person to mousse all five of their ducks wins! This version doesn’t use any of the stylish animal cards and it is very quick so it’s great for children that may not have the longest attentions span. If there are 5-6 players, 10 mousse cards are added.

There are also “In Style” rules to Duck Duck Mousse. Think like gin rummy with this version. This version does include the stylish animals, 10 mousse cards, and 5 duck cards to the deck. Each player holds just 5 cards between turns. You are trying to get three of a kind. The 5 mousse cards are wild and the duck cards allow you to then steal a set of three involving a mousse card (wild card) from another player as a turn. Ducks and mousse can be reshuffled into the deck when the deck needs to be replenished. There are two expansions planned for this game version, including a “Rush Hour Migration” for birds in and out of an aviary area and a “Wildlife Special” involving zoo breaks with various zoo animals.

The last variation is the “Blowout” rules. The sooner you get the five moussed ducks (five mousse cards plus five duck cards), the sooner you win. The first person to have five moussed ducks in front of them wins. All three types of cards are used with this variation – ducks, mousse, and stylish animals.

To learn more about Duck Duck Mousse, please visit https://pauljohnrudoi.com/yokaygames/. This fun family game is coming also to Kickstarter this July.