When I was in college, my spouse got into a dance class and I tried the semester following. I showed up the first day along with others and then had to drop the class because they could not get an instructor. 🙁
The opportunity to review Dance Lessons Starter Kit by DanceCrazy came along recently and I was hoping to finally end the days of my two left feet. This is a 4 DVD set for social dancing. It includes: Swing Dancing, Salsa Dancing, Bachata Dance, and Merengue. I had never heard of the the latter two styles.
The DVDs provide you with different camera angles on the leader and follower. It also spends time showing proper position for arms/hands, and a little history on the dance styles.
There is over 8 hours among these four discs and so far I have had time to just try out swing and salsa. This set is geared for beginners and I like how the instructors take time in making sure you have mastered the steps before going into a full set.
The Dance Lessons Starter Kit is available on Amazon.com for currently $27.96 and is eligible for Prime.
Disclosure: I received this DVD set to review through Tomoson.com. No other compensation was received for this post.