Title: Case for Grace For Kids
Author: Lee Strobel and Jesse Florea
Lee Strobel is noted for writing The Case for Grace, which the kid version has been adapted from. Strobel has also penned other titles, like The Case for Faith, The Case for Christ, and The Case for a Creator. Jesse Florea has been a writer and editor for Focus on the Family for 20 plus years and written or co-written more than a dozen books.
In The Case for Grace for Kids, the authors share amazing stories of individuals who would otherwise be considered ordinary and how they are touched by the grace of God in a language that pre-teens would understand. Strobel also shares his own case or story of how he went from atheism to Christianity.
The Case for Grace for Kids is recommended for children 8-12 to help them better understand the true meaning of grace. My eight-year-old could read this book easily on her own. One story is of a survivor of torture by Khemer Rouge so it is important to be open to discussion and as parents, read beforehand. And don’t worry about this book being watered down with being for kids to read. Adults will enjoy the stories included too.
Disclosure: I received this book as a BookLook Blogger in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was received for this review.