Title: Burning Magic
Author: Joshua Khan
ISBN: 978-136800842-6
Burning Magic was released earlier this month. It is the third and last installment in the Shadow Magic trilogy. My 11-year-old read this book without viewing the first two installments. She recommends that the other two stories in this series are read first to understand how these characters have evolved and to learn more about their history.
Lily, the witch queen, and bat-rider extraordinaire, Thorn, a giant bat named Hades, and a crew of zombies travel to Sultanate of Fire. They are off to meet their friend K’leef, who is a prince and is eligible to take the thrown soon as the king. K’leef’s oldest brother has been murdered so he and his second oldest brother, Jambiya, must capture a phoenix and bring it back first to seal their spot at the thrown.
Burning Magic is 336 pages in length and is recommended for children 8-12 years of age.