As part of the Bloggers Unite Social Party, I was asked to create a post to summarize me. Thank you if this is your first time visiting my site.
I am a 30-something mom of three who started blogging two years ago. I have three children, two girls who are currently 4 1/2 and 6 1/2. My son is 2 1/2. I have been married to my college sweetheart for 14 years.
I went to college for veterinary technology since I always felt a strong interest in animal care. I grew up on a hobby farm with a dog, cats, chickens, a few cattle, and had goats for a few years. We currently have three cats of our own, my sister’s two dogs, and 50 chickens.
I received my BS in veterinary technology and was a certified veterinary technician for eight years in a mixed animal practice before deciding to stay home full-time when daughter #2 came along. I have a certificate in medical transcription too. I thought it could be my career while staying at home, but when courses are advertised, they neglect to mention that you often need to work on-site for two years before you can be considered to telecommute. Argh! I have been blessed to have local part-time opportunities to help me yet contribute to my family’s income though. Right now, I work as a breastfeeding counselor in my local county. It is a grant funded program that started last summer so I can’t say how long the opportunity to help moms in my area will last.
I started blogging as just a personal outlet for me and started writing about my family life. I have branched into primarily product reviews. I love learning about new products. I wish I had more time to write about other topics, but my time to write is usually just when the kids have fallen asleep. I enjoy gardening in the summer, fishing on the many local lakes, cooking, reading, scrapbooking, and just crafts in general. I love hosting giveaways and giving others the chance to try products for free too.
Outside of that, I have lived in Minnesota my entire life. With my children becoming a bit more independent (my son is actively potty training -yea!), I would love to consider more travel. My sister moved to Italy last month with her family, my best friend from high school is in Germany, and my spouse has an uncle in Greece so I would LOVE to visit Europe. The $$$$ to cover airfare for five has been the big hold up.
I was fortunate to be selected one of the top 50 review bloggers for this year by VoiceBoks. There is a contest to actually vote those into the top 10.
To place your vote you can visit
I love traveling as well, there is so much to see. I hope you and your family get a chance to visit your sister in Italy very soon.