As a child, I was given the option to help my father collect stamps. I helped him carefully handle them, place them in protective sleeves, cut the sleeves to fit the pre-printed areas on the pages, and then to mount the sleeves without getting the stamp itself wet. Whew! Looking back, it was a lot of work as a child. It did give me one-on-one time to share with my dad though. I was recently introduced to another way for family time that I think is much more simple and maybe a more durable hobby for children, collecting coins.
Krause Publications has produced an easy-to-read book and hands on folders to collect and keep the coins. The book, A Kid’s Guide to Collecting Coins (shown in above pic on left), discusses quite a few topics. This book covers the history of coin making, some interesting facts of U.S. history and geography, and even how to do be cool and perform some magic tricks with coins. The information is easy to follow and the pictures are great referencing material for the novice collector. This publication is 95 pages in length and retail is $9.99.
I also had the opportunity to view Warman’s National Park Quarters for Kids Collector’s Folder. This folder seems fairly durable and has well-fitted slots for the coins to be kept and displayed. Here are some images below:
Hey, thanks for posting several pictures of the National Parks Quarters for Kids! When I found it for sale on Ebay and Amazon, i couldn’t quite figure out if it really had the pictures and maps. So, thanks for several pictures. I’m pinning this to Pinterest . . . and I’ll be back to follow your blog!