Title: Irish Country Cooking: More than 100 Recipes for Today’s Table
Publication Date: February 2014.
Publisher: Sterling Epicure
ISBN: 9781454911043
Hardback, 224 pages
Suggested Retail: $24.95 US
I was told growing up that I had gotten a “wee pinch” of Irish from my maternal grandfather. When the opportunity to review Irish Country Cooking came about, I was interested not only in the recipes, but learning a bit about the culture too.
This book features over 100 family recipes from the Irish Countrywomen’s Association (ICA) members and Guilds, which was founded in 1910. The cookbooks previously written by this organization have been passed down from generation to generation with the best recipes from these collections featured in this title.
Irish Country Cooking is much more than just meat and potatoes. There are soups, salads and starters, tips on how to cook for a crowd, a variety of main meals, side dishes, dips, sauces, and stocks, general tips on baking, and tips on how to cook potatoes. 🙂 I like how this title covers recipes that would be like those you would get from your grandmother such as how to make a Mince Pie and yet others that showcase modern flare, like the trendy Cake in a Mug. The photography in this book is nicely done, about one per every two or three recipes and are in color.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book to review. No other compensation was received. The thoughts and feelings expressed are my own.