Title: Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies
Authors: Shamash Alidina and Joelle Jane Marshall
ISBN: 978-1-118-45643-9
Suggested Retail: $19.99
Paperback, 324 pages
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Review: I have a little more on my plate lately than usual. My oldest is back to school and my other two will start next week with early childhood classes. One will go without me for the first time and I will still attend with the youngest. I was just filling out our calendar today at least until the end of the year, whew!
The other thing we are busy with and I am so thankful my husband doesn’t mind helping with when he can, is gardening. We are blessed to have the space for a large garden, but the produce is at its peak and we need extra time and energy to preserve it for the year. After the kids go to bed, we tackle the produce if we need to and then I use the computer often during the late evening hours to meet other deadlines. I find it hard to just relax and disconnect when I finally roll into bed.
One kind of therapy that may help individuals like me is mindfullness. It helps you create a calmer and sharpens your overall thinking. Mindfulness helps you take care of the negativity in our lives. Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies shares exercises and techniques to bring mindfulness into our daily lives. This is a workbook so there is quite a bit of space included to jot down your thoughts and help you track your progress. And don’t worry, you don’t have to tackle the entire book at one time. It is written in a manner that it is okay to skip around with key points being cross-referenced from the chapters.
I have gotten through the first three chapters in Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies so I have a while until I get to the end yet. I think this is a great concept, not only to just handle stress better overall, but finding that mindfulness may improve immune function and digestion. It could help control hypertension, chronic pain, IBS, and other physical conditions. I know how you handle stress has a huge impact on overall health so I personally feel it is important to make time for mindfulness. I was a little worried there was a repeat typo in the book with the word “practise” vs. “practice”, but I recently read how in the UK, “practice” is used as a noun and “practise” is used as a verb. This was from Grammar-Monster.com.
If you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies, please visit http://www.dummies.com/store/product/Mindfulness-Workbook-For-Dummies.productCd-1118456432.html There in excerpt from Chapter 1 that you can read included on the site. Now to take a deep breath and practice mindfulness.