The Flirtation Experiment is written with the Christian voices of Lisa Jacobson and Phylicia Masonheimer. These two ladies wrote this title to inspire you and to strengthen your marriage with a fun, unexpected approach that leads to the depth, richness, and closeness you desire. This book has you taking responsibility for your side of the marriage and looking at ways you can improve it. My husband and I will be celebrating our 24th anniversary in a few months. I have started implementing these little experiments in our own marriage.
The book includes little experiments in each chapter to help make your marriage more exciting and fun. There are 30 topics covered that are universally applicable to a healthy Christian marriage. You will be empowered to pursue your husband romantically, understand how the Bible invites women to be proactive in the marriage, and discover or revisit ways to forge closeness and intimacy in your marriage.
The Flirtation Experiment has you taking risks where you might feel a bit silly and that’s okay. Think of going out on a limb and putting yourself out there a bit like you probably did when you were dating, but remember taking these risks can be rewarding and fun.
This book is for newlyweds or even those that have been married for decades. It will help you build a more consistent, deeper, loving relationship with your spouse. Interested in learning more about The Flirtation Experiment? Download the first two chapters of The Flirtation Experiment for free here or to purchase, please visit
Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing this product/product
information for review. Opinions are 100% my own. I did receive the product in exchange for this review and post.