Title: The Healthy Teen Cookbook: Around the World in 80 Fantastic Recipes
Author: Remmi Smith
With being a parent and aspiring to become a FACS teacher, I see a strong importance in teaching youth cooking skills and how to make smart, healthy choices that last a lifetime. I have been reviewing The Healthy Teen Cookbook over the last few weeks.
The author, Remmi Smith, is 17-years-old and this is her second cookbook. She also has two cooking shows and her own salad dressing line! Remmi has appeared on Chopped, the talk show Harry (with Harry Connick Jr.), and the Food Network.
The Healthy Teen Cookbook features 80 recipes that allow you to sample cuisine from the seven continents. With each recipe, there is a “Remmi Notes” following the recipe that gives Remmi’s own take on the recipe and suggestions/additions to make the recipe a complete meal or to add variation. The recipes included are definitely those that my 13-year-old can handle with just an adult handy for questions.
The recipes provided come with colored images of the food product. At the introduction of each continent, there is some information on the cuisine typical of the region, popular regional dishes, and important facts about the demography of the continents too. To learn more and view this book, please check it out on Amazon.