I don’t know about your kids, but mine seem to get rashes on occasion. Because they’re at such a young age, their skin is incredibly sensitive. Now, we just deal with it and try to make it as comfortable as possible, as if rashes are a part of life. It is certainly not nice for my little ones.
After a lot of research, I have figured out that rashes are a result of dry skin. So, the simplest solution would be to moisturise their skin, right? Correct, and the best way I know how is to use moisturiser. Most moisturisers will do the trick, but a lot of them have extra nutrients that make the skin less inflamed. Personally, I prefer aloe vera and always choose a moisturiser that has a high content.
Soak In The Tub
Instead of showers, encourage your kids to take a bath. Showers do a great job at cleansing quickly and effectively, but they also take the moisture out of our bodies. Baths do not, but they have an even more important quality: the water soaks the skin and makes it less prone to scratching and discomfort. Add a couple of spoons of baking soda to make the bath even more effective.
Steaming is all about opening the pores. When the kids get rashes, this is the first trick I like to break out and try. Just by opening the pores, it gives their skin more of a chance to detoxify. Once it has detoxified, it will become less irritated. You can also add a few medical ingredients like TCP to the skin after a steam. The TCP works its way through the pores and cleans them even further than a steaming session.
Special Clothing
Scratching is a big deal and makes their rashes more uncomfortable. Plus, it can cause scarring if they start to scratch too hard. It goes without saying that you don’t want them to scratch, but how do you stop them? You can’t watch them twenty-four hours a day. I find that eczema clothing does the trick. It is heavy duty so it stops them from making a mess, and it is much more subtle than taping mittens to their hands!
Buy Medication
I cannot stress how important it is to stop them scratching at source. Not only does it make life more uncomfortable for them, it can lead to infection. Most infections are benign and easily treated. But, some can cause children a lot of harm. Instead of clothing, try and stop it from the inside with medication. Anything with antihistamines that are fine for kids to use is the perfect choice and will lessen the itching.
I hate to see it when the kids are not enjoying themselves. With these simple tricks, the kids will be more comfortable and recover far quicker.