Title: Moms’ Night Out
A Novelization by Tricia Goyer
ISBN: 978-1-4336-8482-1
Suggested Retail: $15.99
Published by B & H Publishing Group
Moms’ Night Out was released in book format on April 22, 2014. I saw the movie before starting in on the book. It was fun to re-live the moments from the big screen on paper. This story was very easy for me to relate to – a mom of three young children who loves her kids and wonders at times why she feels unhappy and is also trying to find her own voice as a blogger.
Allyson, the main character, has decided to arrange a moms’ night out with her long term best friend, Izzy, and the pastor’s wife, Sondra. Her husband, Sean, supports her decision and hopes the evening out will allow her to unwind and unplug, The night finally arrives and dinner plans get abruptly changed. The ladies find that Sean’s half sister, Bridget, had recruited her ex-boyfriend to watch their child, Phoenix, so she could start a new job at a bowling alley. Allyson and her friends see the ex-boyfriend out to dinner and not watching the baby. They tell Bridget and the search begins. Along the way, they meet some colorful characters as they try to pinpoint who is actually watching baby Phoenix. One of them is Bones, a tattoo parlor artist, who shares bits of worldly advice. The dads are off on their own adventures while watching the kids too.
Bones becomes the unlikely hero in the story by making Allyson questions why she feels she is not enough for herself. He shares a story about his mother who worked to support them on her own and would tell him every night, “…No matter who you are, what you do, how far you run. Jesus will always be lovin’ you with His arms open wide. Just for bein’ you.” Bones later said, “Lemme tell you something, girl. I doubt the Good Lord made a mistake giving your kiddos the mama He did. So just be …you. He’ll take care of the rest.” The movie was great, but it is nice to cherish the written words of this story and be inspired and hopefully feel less alone with the daily adventures in motherhood.
There is a devotional based on “Moms’ Night Out” available too by comedian Kerri Pomarolli and published by B&H Publishing Group. “…you are not alone, and that God’s gracious provision of love and faithfulness is at work in your life.”