Title: The 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge: One Question a Week. One Incredible Marriage.
Author: Jeff and Lora Helton
ISBN: 978-1-4767-0500-2
Suggested Retail: $14.99 US
Published by SimonandShuster.com
Release Date: September 3, 2013
Available in Paperback and eBook
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was received for this post.
With everything in our busy day to day lives, it can be easy to disconnect to even the ones we love, like our spouses. The marriage ceremony happens, kids may come along, changes may happen to careers, and many other important events may be added to the mix. We have to continue to work at our relationships to keep them strong and and thriving.
The 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge seems to have been inspired by Jeff Helton looking at his own marriage while attending his in-laws 50th wedding anniversary. Time will change our physical characteristics, but as time goes on, will the relationship thrive or will we foolishly let precious time pass us by?
This title is to offer a “tool” for your marriage. It has 50 questions to help you have a weekly conversation with your spouse and to help your relationship be enhance spiritually, emotionally, and with physical intimacy. This book requests that you just spend a few minutes answering a question that will spur conversation and help you connect with each other once a week. Some questions help you remember moments from the past and some help you think of your future together.
I have had The 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge for a few weeks so my spouse and I are not too far into the book, but I have skimmed ahead. Some of the questions are funny and lighthearted. Others are serious and touching. Like “If you had only one day left on earth, what would you say to your spouse? What would you want to do with your spouse” or “What are some favorite memories from your wedding day and honeymoon?” There is a scripture at the beginning each chapter and an inspirational quote at the end of each chapter. There is also a bonus section included for holidays and special days.
If you are looking to re-connect with your spouse or just enhance your marriage, I think you will enjoy The 50 Fridays Marriage Challenge. My spouse and I have been married 14 years and it is nice to take on these questions and evaluate the distinct qualities of our relationship. It’s also fun to think about our past and future together and all we hope to accomplish together in our marriage.
About the Authors from simonandshuster.com:
Jeff Helton has spent twenty-five years as a pastor working with men, marriages, and families, and he coauthored Authentic Marriages and its companion workbook. He has earned two masters degrees from Wheaton Graduate School in New Testament theology and communication and founded WellSpring Coaching and Consulting. Jeff and his wife Lora live with their four children and their boxer Miah in Franklin, Tennessee.
Lora Helton has been married to Jeff Helton for twenty-four years and is the coauthor of Authentic Marriages and its companion workbook. She is a graduate of Taylor University in Indiana and Wheaton Graduate School, where she earned her MA in clinical psychology. She currently works part-time at WellSpring, counseling women and partnering with Jeff in their work with married and pre-married couples.